Here are highlights from August 2018,
Our three most read posts in August 2018
Do economic fundamentals matter anymore? (Most read for a second month running)
London house prices have fallen most since 2009 but it is not what it seems
All posts from August 2018
Banks in the United States have a problem – they can’t find enough customers to lend money to
UK Trade Statistics for trade by each country
China hasn’t been selling U.S. Government Bonds despite trade tensions
The great U.S. Government bond yield convergence chart
Euro Area or Eurozone Money Velocity seems to be shockingly low
History is repeating itself, is this the end of the current cycle of global synchronised growth?
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Past, present, future – some demographic and economic statistics for the European Union
Interest Rates globally are changing at the fastest pace ever
London house prices have fallen most since 2009 but it is not what it seems
Here’s how the demographic and economic statistics look for candidate members of the European Union
The UK’s net worth is now estimated at £10.2 trillion, an average of £155000 per person