We don’t have an email mailing list or email subscription facility currently because we simply do not want to hold any user data due to global data protection laws. But there are ways to receive updates for new posts on this site.
We recommend Blogtrottr for updates by email.

Here’s how to get updates by email from Blogtrottr:
Step 1: Head over to https://blogtrottr.com/
Step 2: Enter the URL of the feed as: https://thistimeitisdifferent.com/feed
Step 3: Enter your email address and your preferred frequency of emails and click “Feed Me”.
Step 4: You will receive an email to confirm your email address, validate that and then you are ready to go, you will start receiving emails with a summary of new posts and a link to each of them.
More details about our RSS, Atom and other feeds is available here: https://thistimeitisdifferent.com/feeds-rss-atom