Here’s how Australian Money Velocity has changed over the years

Australia M3 Money Velocity 2018

We couldn’t find any official Money Velocity numbers for Australia so calculated it using the Equation of Exchange.

Equation of Exchange


Money Supply (M) * Money Velocity (V) = Price level (P) * Real economic output (Q)

Which means Money Supply * Money Velocity = Nominal GDP

Therefore, Money Velocity = Nominal GDP/Money Supply

We have the numbers for both Money Supply (from the Reserve Bank of Australia) and Nominal GDP (Australian Bureau of Statistics) for Australia.

Money Velocity

The velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically- produced goods and services within a given time period. In other words, it is the number of times one Australian Dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy.

The frequency of currency exchange can be used to determine the velocity of a given component of the money supply, providing some insight into whether consumers and businesses are saving or spending their money.

Money Supply or Money Stock (we have considered M3)

Broad Money M3: Broad money (M3) includes currency, deposits with an agreed maturity of up to two years, deposits redeemable at notice of up to three months and repurchase agreements, money market fund shares/units and debt securities up to two years.

M3 Money Velocity for Australia

Here is a graph of M3 Money Velocity for Australia (the complete data set is at the end of this post, please contact us if you would like the data in a spreadsheet),

Australia M3 Money Velocity 2018

Money velocity in Australia is currently less than 1 which means that money being printed (even notionally) isn’t even circulating once. It has fallen significantly this century, it has started increasing as GDP growth is accelerating and Money Supply growth is decelerating. The complete data set is at the end of this post, please contact us if you would like the data in a spreadsheet.

M3 Money Stock or Money Supply for Australia is bigger than the GDP of Australia and stands at a record of $2.1 trillion Australian Dollars.

Australian M3 Money Supply 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank of Australia
Australia Broad Money M3 12-month growth rate until July 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank Of Australia
Australian GDP until June 2018
Data Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Given that money velocity is so low now implies

1. Consumer and business confidence for spending isn’t particularly high.
2. Consumers and businesses aren’t borrowing too much money either.
3. There is ample (probably excessive) liquidity in the system.

We have seen recently that Australian credit growth is slowing with Investor housing credit growth slowest ever.

Australia total housing 12-month growth rate until July 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank Of Australia
Australia Investor housing 12-month growth rate until July 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank Of Australia
Australia Business Credit 12-month growth rate until July 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank Of Australia
Australia Personal Credit other than mortgages 12-month Growth Rate until July 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank Of Australia

Total Mortgage debt outstanding stands at A$1.78 trillion, about 100% of GDP.

Australia Mortgage Debt Outstanding until July 2018
Data Source: Reserve Bank Of Australia



Australian credit growth is slowing with Investor housing credit growth slowest ever, Broad Money Supply growth slowest since the last recession 26 years ago

Here’s how much the total residential mortgage debt outstanding has grown since 2008 for Australia, Canada, the UK and the US

The curious case of low U.S. money velocity

Euro Area or Eurozone Money Velocity seems to be shockingly low



Australia M3 Money Velocity 2018

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