What a difference a year makes, these are the current 10 year government bond yields, Continue reading “Impact of interest rates in the US and the UK heading higher”
Can Governments really afford higher interest rates?
Governments around the world have close to $80 trillion in debt. As interest rates begin to rise globally we explore if governments around the world can really afford higher interest rates. We will write about the impact of rising interest rates on individuals/households and corporates/businesses later. Continue reading “Can Governments really afford higher interest rates?”
What do Central Banks with zero or negative interest rates do with their (freshly printed) money?
At the outset, here are the countries whose Central Banks have zero or negative interest rates, Continue reading “What do Central Banks with zero or negative interest rates do with their (freshly printed) money?”
A New Kodak Moment (Cryptocurrency, what else?), Greece pays lower interest on bonds than the US
Kodak – the company which once was the leader in photography, went bankrupt in 2012 and was reborn as a company focussing on commercial imaging has launched the KODAKCoin cryptocurrency and a platform called KODAKOne that leverages blockchain. Continue reading “A New Kodak Moment (Cryptocurrency, what else?), Greece pays lower interest on bonds than the US”