High (or hyper) inflation or long term zero (or negative) interest rates – how might the world pay its debt?

The divergence of interest rates, bond yields, inflation, currency strength, budget deficit and total debt of countries around the world has never been bigger. We look at how the US, the UK, the Eurozone, Japan, Switzerland and India are doing in addressing paying off their debt. Continue reading “High (or hyper) inflation or long term zero (or negative) interest rates – how might the world pay its debt?”

A New Kodak Moment (Cryptocurrency, what else?), Greece pays lower interest on bonds than the US

Kodak – the company which once was the leader in photography, went bankrupt in 2012 and was reborn as a company focussing on commercial imaging has launched the KODAKCoin cryptocurrency and a platform called KODAKOne that leverages blockchain. Continue reading “A New Kodak Moment (Cryptocurrency, what else?), Greece pays lower interest on bonds than the US”