We explained Blockchain here. Now it appears that adding the word Blockchain can do wonders to your company stock price. As can associating your company with Blockchain. Continue reading “Want your company stock price to soar? Just add Blockchain! Plus cryptocurrency mining causes graphics card shortages”
A New Kodak Moment (Cryptocurrency, what else?), Greece pays lower interest on bonds than the US
Kodak – the company which once was the leader in photography, went bankrupt in 2012 and was reborn as a company focussing on commercial imaging has launched the KODAKCoin cryptocurrency and a platform called KODAKOne that leverages blockchain. Continue reading “A New Kodak Moment (Cryptocurrency, what else?), Greece pays lower interest on bonds than the US”
Are cryptocurrency holders visionaries? Plus crypto mining vs real world mining and more
We covered cryptocurrency basics here – now we explore a few other things. Continue reading “Are cryptocurrency holders visionaries? Plus crypto mining vs real world mining and more”
Cryptocurrency Basics (before we ask the big questions)
What are Cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that can be exchanged just like “normal” currency. Continue reading “Cryptocurrency Basics (before we ask the big questions)”